

After a night of horrible sleep ( seems to be the trend today, every client I’ve had so far has said they had the worst sleep last night) , it’s really hard for me to face my workout later. I will do it, of course, because the longer I’ve been up, and after a couple meals, I am slowly convincing myself more and more to get it done. I’m also reminding myself how great I feel afterwards and of what my ultimate goals are. I set little alerts to pop up randomly throughout the day on my bberry calendar telling me things that are literally a kick in the ass…things that remind me why I am training so hard and why I am eating clean.

Obviously, we all have different things in life we are trying to accomplish, be them professionally, personally, or sometimes both. So how do we stay on track? What motivates us to keep going, despite a night of poor sleep, a feeling of a cold coming on, or maybe just an overall feeling of just not wanting to do it today? I for one, aside from my little daily reminders to myself, have shared my goals with a group of ppl who I feel I can trust to keep me on track- ppl who will workout with me when I’m just not feeling it, ppl who will see I am struggling with the schedule of training my clients, training myself, and dieting, and they will just give me the words of encouragement that I need to pick myself up and keep it moving. We all need those ppl, we all need a good support system. And in turn, we all need to recognize that there will be ppl in our lives who need us to be part of their support system.

So tell me,


* I also want to take a quick second to thank the ppl in my life who are doing exactly that for me right now.. you know exactly who you all are. I also know what an absolutely pain in the a$$ i can be, so thank you a million times over and I love you all for it 🙂

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